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How to Pack for a Move in 3 Days?

Sometimes move come out of nowhere and catch you off guard. Packing everything up and leave is not an easy task. It requires consideration, planning and strategizing. Such a short notice will leave the strongest of us questioning: how to pack for a move in 3 days?

Short notice moves are known to send people scrambling and overthinking. Moving in three days leaves very less room for procrastination. It demands more action.

If you have been asking yourself “how to pack for a move in 3 days?”, you are in luck. We have brought these tips, lists, and tricks just for you.

Understanding the Challenge.

The first step to act on anything is to realize what you are actually facing against. Take time to understand the challenge that you have to combat. Is it the short notice relocation that has been getting on the nerves or is it the huge pile of stuff to pack that’s been feeling you with dread?

Once this question is answered, a strategy to overcome this challenge of how to pack for a move in 3 days will start forming in your mind on its own accord.


Create a Packing Plan:

Someone important once said Failing to plan is planning to fail or something like that. The important takeaway here is: having a packing plan will help you determine what you need to tackle first. It will help you avoiding running headfirst into obstacles.

Assess Your Inventory:

Check what you have in your inventory. Examine what needs to be restocked after relocation and what you need to bring with you to the new destination. Assess the items you can throw out or give away from the inventory.

Prioritize Rooms and Items:

Make a list of all the rooms you have in your space. Prioritize packing by room starting from highest priority. Pack the ones first that are overflowing with seemingly infinite items. Save kitchen and bathroom items to be packed on the last day. Tackle the other rooms and spaces first.

how to pack for a move in 3 days

Gather Packing Supplies:

When it comes to solutions for how to pack for a move in 3 days, gain access to packing supplies first. These are quite useful to pack everything up and leave. Relocations become easier with quality material for packing supplies.

Stock Up on Essentials:

Some packing supply essentials encompass bubble wraps, sturdy boxes, and packing tape. Remember to stock up on packing paper and plastic stretch tap too. Use various kinds of bags such as Ziploc bags, mattress bags, and plastic ones to bundle up heavy items.

Stock up on essential daily items to not run in problems in the future. These essential items will include toiletries, some basic meals, pack of extra clothing, sheets and a few pillows. Don’t forget to secure your important documents, keys, license, passport, wallet somewhere safe.

Get Creative with Alternatives:

There is no need to only stick to the materials everyone is using and you don’t have available anywhere. Some great alternative options consist of towels, blankets and pillowcases. Fragile items can be protected by using these materials.


Declutter as You Pack:

You do not have to take everything with you. Nor is it feasible if you are continuing to struggle with the constant thoughts of ‘how to pack for a move in 3 days?’. Better options here are to categorize unwanted items into different categories. Moving with your clutter is not a smart idea. Instead embrace decluttering in the process of pack.

Streamline the Process:

Turn the process of decluttering simple by not hanging onto trivial items any longer. Come up with a system that will streamline the process of how to pack for a move in 3 days. Draft a list of needs and wants when it comes to your belongings.

Minimize Unwanted Items:

Get rid of unnecessary items by categorizing them to donate, give away, sell or throw away. There might not be enough time to organize a sale but if there are local events happening nearby, try them out.

Give away your no longer possessions. Help those items find a new home where they will be cared for. Ask around in family, friends and neighbors. Check if you have any belongings that will be better off with them. This will be a win-win as you will have a less thing to pack and they will have something they need.

Donating thing is a good way to declutter too without the guilt of ‘throwing away’ things. It is an eco-friendly and sustainable approach too. Make sure the stuff you donate is in good quality.


Pack Efficiently and Strategically:

Doing things in haste is bound to affect how often you stumble when stressing over how to pack for a move in 3 days. It is better to be strategic and efficient in packing. Formulate a plan for strategizing the relocation. Come up with ways to transfer electronics, heavy furniture and bulky items. Be prepared to disassemble some of them.

Pack Room by Room:

It is a smart idea to pack one room at a time. Start packing the rooms where the stuff is usually sitting there not getting used often. This could be storage solutions, attics, store rooms, or basements. Work your way from room with the least used items to the most frequently utilized ones.

Label Boxes Clearly:

Remember you might be packing here but in a short amount of time, you are going to be unpacking everything. Save yourself from the stress right after the one of how to pack for a move in 3 days.

Clearly label boxes with their category, room and place. If you are moving things that have chances of going bad or nearing expiry date, mention that on the box too. So you will not forget taking the things out of these boxes.


Utilize Time-Saving Packing Techniques:

Techniques that save time are almost akin to ones saving money. Save your precious time. Some techniques to achieve this consist of making a checklist, using packing tubes and rolling clothes to pack.

Bundle Items Together:

Instead of packing things separately, experiment with bundling items together. Make a bundle of all the wrinkle free clothing and pack them together. Try similar approach with different pair of socks.

Fill Empty Spaces:

Use rolled up clothing, scarves and similarly softer items to fill the empty spaces in your suit case. Avail vacant space in shoes to store your socks.

how to pack for a move in 3 days

Enlist Help and Delegate Tasks:

Asking for help when there is too much on your plate is an essential life skill. Delegate the tasks to others so you have to worry no longer about how to pack for a move in 3 days. Reach out to others for their assistance with your relocation. Be approachable so people don’t hesitate in extending their offer to help you out.

Hire Professional Movers and Packers:

Let the experts handle the tasks for moving and packing. This way you will have more time on hand to spend on other things. There are many professional moving and packing services in UAE, like Movey, to provide you with assistance. We offer solutions to your question of how to pack for a move in 3 days?

Delegate Specific Tasks:

Maybe you only need with packing or there are certain tasks you need help with but no others, packing services are useful there too. Delegate specific tasks to professionals if you have everything else under control. These could be moving the heavy furniture, carrying that bulky item, or help with packing.


Stay Organized and Stay Calm:

It is easier said than done but try not to panic. Stay organized in your process of how to pack for a move in 3 days. It will help you stay calm too. Being calm helps see things in better perspective.

Stay on Schedule:

Make a timetable and get yourself to follow it. You have three days so divide them accordingly. For day one, gather packing supplies, make checklist, pack store rooms and attics, tools, materials for hobbies, and wardrobe. The day two would consist of packing furniture, shoes, electronics and any equipment.

Day three will involve packing the last inventory supplies like dishes and cutlery in kitchens. For bathrooms, it will be the last items sitting on the shelves. Make sure you have a bag of essential items conveniently available though.

Take Breaks When Needed:

All packing and no breaks will be a recipe for a burnout. Take breaks whenever the need arises. Don’t skip sleep altogether. Try napping frequently if eight hours of sleep is not an option at the moment. Eat food on time because all this work for how to pack for a move in 3 days is going to require appropriate nutrition. So don’t neglect breaks as these are important.



It is quite stressful to have the question of how to pack for a move in 3 days? repeating in your head over and over. But a moment of breath. Some quick planning, clever strategy, active implementation and knowing when to ask for help can reduce stress from most stressful situations.

If you are finding yourself in a similar boat and need to move in such a hurry, contact moving and packing experts like Movey. Get in touch with us for our moving and packing services.


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